Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Journey

As many of you may know, I was recently diagnosed with ALS and since I love keeping in touch with precious family and dear friends, I thought it might be easiest to keep you updated via a blog.

Because of the progression of extreme muscle loss, poor balance and weakness in my legs in particular, I began using a walker and soon found it necessary to use a wheelchair. I found keeping our home, as I've always loved doing, became very difficult and we decided that it was time to make some changes. We were invited to live with our daughter, Penny, and her husband, Ed and so on September 2, 2013 we made the move to Star, Idaho.

I will never forget that eleven hour trip! Our son, Eric, and grandson, Robert, came to Red Bluff to help us drive to Idaho. As we were in two vehicles, Herbie and I were each able to spend five and a half hours of time alone with both Eric and Robert. What parent is able to spend that much time sitting next to their son or grandson, visiting for five solid hours about whatever comes to mind? It was the sweetest trip ever and I continue to treasure the memory.
I realize now that I have experienced symptoms of ALS for many years and after doctoring for the last five years it was suggested I visit the Neurosciences Center at the University of Utah. There I met with an outstanding neurologist who reviewed my history, medical records and test results and, after performing a few additional tests, felt certain of my diagnosis.

We appreciate so much our friends and family as they stand by us. We hope to update this blog frequently as my journey continues.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Orlean, My mom forwarded this to me. I have such wonderful memories of you helping me out with my dad and mom. I'm glad that you have those helping you now. You and Herb are in my thoughts and give him a hug for me! Love you both - Julie
